威特集团是全球大的电梯部件、模块以及系统解决方案提供商,总部位于德国,在全球拥有18个生产基地,8个研发中心,4500多名员工,通过60个国家的分支机构为世界各地的客户提供高品质的产品和服务。我们的使命是 成为您全球和本地业务商业伙伴第一选择,专注于提供创新的电梯部件——以门系统为核心业务 。
威特集团经过近50年的发展,旗下拥有众多知名品牌,如Wittur(威特)、Selcom(西尔康)、Sematic(思迈特)、Tyler、Liftmaterial等。威特集团产品覆盖了门系统,曳引机,安全部件,轿厢和系统解决方案,可以根据不同应用提供相应的产品组合。 安全随行 是威特集团的理念,公司执着于为人类提供最安全的电梯部件。在世界各地的地标建筑中都离不开威特产品的应用,如美国纽约帝国大厦、苹果旗舰店、法国巴黎凯旋门、迪拜机场、上海东方明珠电视塔、上海环球金融中心,香港环球贸易广场等。
Wittur is the supplier of choice of components, modules an d solutions for the world’s elevator industry. Our mission is to deliver value to our global an d local partners through innovative product development, flexible engineering, wide product range, manufacturing excellence an d complete customer support. By keeping close to our customers we know exactly what challenges they have. As a result, we can provide solutions an d services perfectly tailored to their needs. From commodity installations to big an d complex projects, we can support our customers with our consulting expertise, outstanding production capacity an d timely supply chain management. Our experience covers every field of application: elevators in skyscrapers, residential an d civil buildings, shopping malls, public buildings, ships, modernisations an d unconventional projects. Wittur is Safety in motion! All around the world, we are committed to safety an d continuous improvement by sharing knowledge, manufacturing processes an d best practices across our global organization.
地 址:公司位于上海与苏州之间的吴江区汾湖经济开发区