YMM Art Education International Group is an international an d professional art education organization that was founded in 2005. The Group owns a range of subsidiaries, including YMM Art Academy, YMM Children s Art Gallery, YMM Art Education Research Institute, an d YMM Art Academy International Preparatory Program. While the Research an d Development Headquarters are located in Washington D.C. an d Shenzhen, there are also teaching centers established across the globe in Toronto, Paris, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Taiwan an d many other cities.
YMM Art Academy currently has over 1,000 full-time teachers an d tens of thousands of students worldwide. The age of students ranges from 2 to 18. Every year, a number of students are admitted to Cambridge School of Visual & Performing Arts (CSVPA), School of Visual Arts (SVA), School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), Tama Art University,?école de la Chambre Syndicale de laCouture Parisienne,?The Russian Academy of Arts, China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) an d many other prestigious art colleges an d universities.
Pedagogical Philosophy:
To Enlighten Wisdom by Art.
Pedagogical Vision:
To Guide All Children to Live an Intellectually an d Culturally Enriched Life.
To Advance Civilization Through the Power of Art.
国际评价 Comments
美国国家艺术教育协会理事长、美国艺术教育标准起草者 丹尼斯?●?英霍森 Dennis Inhulsen:
It is a wonderful experience to get to know YMM art education.YMM created a very good system to help students become artists.
中国教育部艺教委中小学美术课程标准研制组组长、中国美术家协会少儿艺委会主任、首都师范大学博士生导师?尹少淳?Shaochun Yin:
Under the guidance of ultimate value an d advanced teaching philosophy, YMM art education established reasonable courses an d teaching methods as well as effective management, which advanced the education of Chinese Children’s Art.
巴黎ESMOD时装设计学院院长?法兰斯瓦 ● 梅乙 ?Francois Mehe:
YMM is a perfect way for each of us to improve our curriculums an d question our practice an d rethink our system.Many elements of YMM will inspire me in my future. ?
美国哥伦布艺术与设计学院校长?凯文 ● 康伦?Kevin Conlon:
The best teachers bring forth in their students a life-long passion for learning, research an d the creation of new knowledge that serves humanity s best aspirations.??A teacher s ability to inspire passion for a lifetime of learning is also magic.
中国美术家协会少儿艺术委员会副主任、国家教委全国中小学美术教材标准组成员、享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家?侯令?Ling Hou:
The research you are engaged in is extraordinary that fills a gap in human’s understanding of art education. In another word, it is extremely unique an d valuable for Art Education in the whole Country.
马里兰基督圣公学校校长、教育学博士 卡罗琳 ● 丝潘?Caroline Chapin:
Why did my days at YMM often leave me teary-eyed? It s because their art education touched me. I will take this feeling with me back to America, an d continue to follow the growth of these students.
台湾著名教育家、台湾师范大学系统总校长?吴清基?? Qing ji Wu:
A child s potential is unlimited, but it needs the inspiration from teachers. The teaching model of YMM art education is creative an d heuristic, which combines art an d education with environmental protection. It can help to advance the education in Taiwan.YMM art education, your ultimate choice an d the pinnacle of art education.
美国知名艺术教育家、艺术博士?约翰?荷比?John Hobby:
YMM art education is a successful private art school. Its curriculums, scale, an d management are global, which is rare.
台湾儿童艺术文教基金会董事长兼执行长 方朱宪? Zhuxian Fang:
YMM has a profound understanding on art education, which provides a good environment for the child to learn.
中国国家版画院副院长、清华大学美术学院教授 代大权?Daquan Dai:
I think YMM is very significant in modern China, in that they are breaking boundaries an d exploring a new educational model.
加拿大温尼伯市教育署副署长、加拿大温尼伯市Ecole St Avila学校校长?高登 ● 坎贝尔?Gordon Campbell:
We believe that this art institution has a different art education philosophy that is seldom seen in the whole world!
加拿大知名早期艺术教育家 凯伦 ● 科尼利厄斯 Karen Cornelius:
I have personal experience with YMM Art Education, which has allowed me to gain a lot of benefits. YMM’s comprehensive arts education systems, creative classroom layout, rich curriculums, an d teaching materials have all inspired more creativity, teaching, an d more professional techniques.