旭辉集团2000年成立于上海,其控股股东旭辉控股(集团)2012年在香港主板整体上市(股票代码00884.HK),是一家以房地产开发为主营业务的综合性大型企业集团,成立19年来,旭辉以 长跑者 的稳健姿态步入公众视野,实现了快速、稳健、均衡的发展,累积开发项目300余个,跻身2018年中国房地产企业500强TOP15。
旭辉一直秉承 用心构筑美好生活 的使命,坚持以美好生活服务商及城市综合运营商的角色,在致力于推动社会进步,让城市生活更加美好,以专业匠心与人文情怀,坚持为每一位客户打造舒适、绿色、健康的生活体验也为员工提供精神与物质的幸福生活。
旭辉集团『旭日生』计划开始于2008年,已历时10届。此计划旨在全国范围内选拔怀揣梦想,具有潜质、充满热情的毕业生,通过 四位一体 的培养责任人制度和独具特色的培养与发展体系,全面提高毕业生们的业务技能及综合能力,使其在3-5年时间内快速成长为公司的中高层管理人员。
涉及岗位:财务管理、客户关系、设计管理、运营管理、投资管理、人力资源、培训设计、企业管理、信息管理 等
CIFI Group Introduction
CIFI Group was established in 2000 in Shanghai. Its holding company, CIFI Holding Group, went public in Hong Kong in 2012 (00884.HK). CIFI Holding Group is a large comprehensive enterprise group with real estate development as its main business. Since founded 19 years ago, CIFI has stepped into the industry as a long-distance runner , achieving rapid, steady an d balanced growth, with more than 300 developed projects. It ranks the 15th among China s top 500 real estate enterprises in 2018.
CIFI has always been upholding its mission of building a better life with love . As a better life provider an d an urban comprehensive operator, CIFI is committed to promoting the social progress an d make the city life more beautiful. With the spirit of professional craftsmanship an d humanity, CIFI devotes to making every customer a comfortable, green an d healthy life experience, as well as providing its employees fulfilling career an d life.