富得利地板十六年来秉承着 创造标准、引领潮流 的企业理念,专注于实木地板、三层实木复合地板、多层实木复合地板、强化地板、艺术拼花地板、实木楼梯等产品的研发、生产与销售,产品行销全球。迄今为止,富得利已经形成了集 采购、研发、生产、销售、服务 五位一体的庞大产业链。在与中国地板行业一起发展壮大的历程中,富得利积极助推中国地板行业发展,为振兴民族工业品牌贡献自己的力量。
富得利始终以提高人民生活品质为己任,率先将代表了欧美家居文化的时尚理念引入国内,于2005年成功推出 富得利地板?橡木生活 子品牌系列橡木地板。作为国内橡木地板的鼻祖,富得利准确把握世界流行趋势和时尚品味,积极弘扬橡木文化内涵,宣扬橡木历史文明;橡木地板产品线已经属业界最长,品类最全,规格最多,花色最广,工艺技术最先进,产品系统最完整。经过多年来的品牌发展,富得利已经成长为目前中国规模最大、品种最全的橡木地板运营商,橡木地板领域的龙头企业。
Zhejiang Fudeli Timer Industry Co., Ltd. was established in 1994. Fudeli specilises in producing an d selling hardwood flooring, engineered flooring an d laminated flooring. After more than 10 years of development, now Fudeli owns two modern flooring manufacturing bases one in Fuquan County, another one in Paojiang Industrial Zone, Shaoxing, also has established many foreign sales distribution companies in America, Canada, Belgium an d Hong Kong.
Fudeli is a member of National Wood Flooring Association, an d hardwood national standard GB/T15036-2001 proposed organization. Enthusiasm, Profession, an d Satisfactory is the tenet an d goal that company is founded on. Its engineered flooring products won Chinese Top Brand an d hardwood flooring , engineered flooring products won Zhejiang Top Brand, an d the brand of FUDELI is well-knowned throughout the Country.
Fudeli has set up more than 300 exclusive retail shops all over the Country, founded sales distribution company in Canada in 2001, an d step into American market in 2002. Till 2005, Fudeli products were also selled in France, Span an d many other European Countries, export sales an d professional managing are also achieved.