金山软件是中国最知名的软件企业之一,中国领先的应用软件和互联网服务提供商。目前,金山软件在珠海、北京、成都、大连、深圳五地分设研发中心,创造了WPS Office、金山词霸、金山毒霸、剑侠情缘、封神榜等众多知名产品。同时,金山旗下拥有国内知名的大型英语学习社区爱词霸网(www.iciba.com)以及在线游戏交流社区逍遥网(www.xoyo.com)。
Kingsoft Corporation Limited is a leading software developer, distributor an d service provider in China. Kingsoft now has R&D centers in Zhuhai, Beijing, Chengdu, Dalian, an d Shenzhen. We have several well-known products such as Kingsoft Office, Kingsoft PowerWord, Kingsoft Internet Security an d online games such as JX Series an d The First Myth . Kingsoft has set up some of China s largest online communities, including the most popular domestic online English learning website www.iciba.com an d the online games website www.xoyo.com.
On October 9th, 2007, Kingsoft was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code: 03888.HK). 2008 was the 20th anniversary of Kingsoft. After twenty-year s struggles an d development, Kingsoft will continue to accelerate the internationalization strategy based on techniques.
Kingsoft people have never doubt their goal is to become a world-class software provider.