艾格林电子有限公司创建于2007年,是一家全球领先的电子元器件独立经销商,总部设于香港九龙湾。凭借可靠的质量,优质的服务,快速的解决方案及优势的价格,在行业内赢得了良好的声誉和佳绩。在2009年被环球资源网《国际电子商情》评为 最满意持续供货能力独立分销商 。
2008年国内外经济危机疯狂蔓延,国际市场普遍疲软的形势下,艾格林电子逆势而上,化危为机,成立了深圳分公司并在福田拥有一间超过600平方米的办公室。凭借 专业、专注 的信念成功实现了市场份额的扶摇直上。尔后,经过洗礼的艾格林电子为了持续加快国际化进程,扩大目标市场份额,于2009年末在加拿大多伦多设立了海外分公司。
1. 薪资:基本工资 提成 奖金;
2. 奖金:月度奖金 季度奖金 团队奖 年终奖;
3. 假期:周末双休,法定假期,带薪病假、年假等;
4. 福利:购买五险一金,结婚、生育贺金,节假日礼品、礼金,下午茶点,每年两次旅游机会(年底国外游)等;
5. 员工俱乐部:员工自发成立足球,羽毛球等俱乐部,各种聚会趴,公司提供资助。
Seize the opportunity, bring yourself a bright future!
Evergreen Electronics is a leading independent distributor of semiconductors, electronic components, computer products an d networking equipment to the world’s leading original equipment manufacturers (OEM), original design manufacturers (ODM), contract manufacturers (CM), as well as electronic manufacturing service companies (EMS).Also, as a multi-national leader in sourcing an d supply chain services, our procurement areas has been through out the world including China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Europe, Singapore, an d the USA.
Our main client: Foxconn, Philips, Flextronics, GE, Sanmina, BOSCH, Changhong,Haier, TCL an d so on...
As one of the leading independent distributors of electronic components, Evergreen is comprised of the highest caliber professionals with outstanding business an d interpersonal skills. Our dedicated team has been the driving force in making the company an industry leader. Aware of the decisive importance of outstanding talents, we Evergreen are always on the lookout for highly qualified an d motivated candidates to join us in this flexible an d dynamic working environment.
For more information about our company, please feel free to log in our website: http://www.eg-elec.com
Email: vicky@eg-elec.com